On July 22nd I embarked on my journey to NY by arriving to the airport two hours before my flight (as everyone is supposed to) and was kept company by my phone (which I used to be on Twitter and by texting Stac) and my iPod. I saw the oldest, tannest, anorexic woman that I have ever seen in my life. The flight was good and my cousin ShaVaughn picked me up from the airport. We dropped off her friend Jasmine and then I went to her house, watched TV and went to sleep.
Out of my plane window
July 23rd: I blogged and then spent the rest of the day with my little sis Channy Mac! My old hood showed me a lot of love, I felt like...somebody lol. Kevin literally got on his knees when he saw me lol, why? I don't know, but that was funny. I chilled with Channy at her house, saw her mom and other people from the building. Then we went to chill with Lee and got some chinese food since I didn't eat since Tuesday night (those two spring rolls were delicioso). Then I wrote this ill 16 bars for her so she could say she wrote it to the "You're a Jerk" beat. I saw her brother and my friend Sky and then my cousin picked me up and we went back to her house. We then filled 80 "Thank You" jars with colored sand for her Luau.
Channy Mac & Lady Tiff
July 25th: (The day of ShaVaughn's Luau/Pool/Going Away party - she's going away to college) My aunt woke us up at 7AM like her name was Joe Jackson. We packed up two trucks and a mini van with stuff to bring to the park (sodas, decorations, etc). After that we went to the park and started decorating. Sha & I left and went to get some last minute items and bought some gold fish for the center pieces. We went back to the park, finished decorating and then went home to get dressed. The Luau was cool, a lot of family was there, and it was literally like a huge family reunion plus friends and other people. I took my little cousin to the pool with Channy Mac (the water was ICE cold), then we came back ate and just enjoyed the party. Channy Mac left and then I chilled with fam for the rest of the day. We then cleaned up and we eaten up by mosquitos until my uncle came and picked us up. When we got back home, my BFF Jess came over and we talked for a few hours. She left and I went to bed.
ShaVaughn in the gold w/ her friends -- Me & Kev -- Little cousin Mimi, Sis Torranda, & Cousin Derriona
July 26th: My aunt and her husband left for Florida, and I watched my little cousins from South Carolina act like they have no home training at all. My little cousin Derek, who is two-years-old, came in the room with a plastic shower cap over his face talking about "look at me". I ripped it off and busted out laughing. SMH! You know how they have item that say "keep out of the reach of children", well I think they should have something that says "Stay out of the reach of Derek". This little boy is crazy! I then found out that my cousin had a fight the night before with Channy Mac's friend and now she has a hit out on this girl LMAO.
Later on I went to my BFF Kelton's house for a little cookout. When I got there it was a little awkward because his friend from school were there (three of them and one of me). It was kind of hard to talk to them considereing I didn't really know them and Kelton was going back and forth between the grill and entertaining us. Then he went to take a shower, but I tried to make conversation with them. I then texted Jessica to come and keep me company lol. It was cool though, a lot of people that I haven't seen since high school showed up and we talked and had a few beers, yes, beer lol. After about 3.5 hours there I left with Jessica and went back to my cousins house. I can't remember what I did for the rest of the day though.
July 27th: This day was very long and started out very early. I woke up at about 6am and got dressed to embark on my journey to the Hamptons to see my friend Jackie! I left the house at around 7:30am took 3 buses and a train to meet up with my BFF Daniella and then took that train to Penn Station, bought our tickets and then took the LIRR to Jamaica where my other friend Cencio got on. We transfered in Babylon and took that train to Patogue, where Jackie's mom picked us up. We got to Jackie's house and then went out to lunch at Oakland's which was right by the beach. Me and Danie ordered seafood tacos which we pretty good and we talked and had a lot of laughs! It felt like old times.
After that we went back to Jackie's house talked, chilled, met her new kitten Lucy (she's adorable), and played some games. Cencio was on his 3rd glass of wine at this point and we played Scattegories and this other game...Whit and Wagers? Both were fun, even though Cencio took the games too serious! We then had dinner (Burgers - Cencio grilled them in like 4 minutes which was why when we took them off of the grill they were dripping blood. Hot dog, macoroni salad, and yellow watermelon - yes yellow! i never had that before but it tastes just like the red ones lol.) We sat outside and ate and Cencio sipped on his now 5th glass. Me Jackie & Danie sat in the living room and talked about our boo boos after dinner and then we got ready to leave. I got on the train at 7:30pm and got back to my cousin's house at midnight.
It was a very long trip, but well worth it! Love you Jackie!
Danie, Cenci, & Tiffy
July 28th: I cannot remember what I did at all...wait, I think I slept and stayed at my cousins all day. Yea, I think that's it.
July 29th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes my big sis turned the big 2-5! I love her so much and she was mad at me because I told her that I wouldn't be able to come to her party. So I went to Harlem this day and chilled with my Bad Girls (Danie and Tae - missing Tracer!). We had fun chillin' in Danie house, at Chinese and watched TV. We talked, argued, laughed, cried (lol j/k). It was mad fun though, like a slumber party - but we didn't stay the night. When we were leaving we saw this boy walking and we dared Tae to go holla at him. So at first we were trying to call him like this "psssst" lol but he had headphones in. So Tae followed him to the busstop until she go this attention and was talking to him. He ended up talking to her on the bus and continued their talk at the train station. SMH she's a hoe LMAO, jk (I think).
Tae, Danie, Tiff
July 31st: I went to the mall to get an outfit and succeeded, got on the bus and then the train to BK. Liz and Shakiera were getting their hair done and Shakiera met me outside. I walk in to surprise Liz, as she was getting her hair straightened and she looked at me and called me an effin b**** LOL! We got her good. We then went to the mall for some last minute items, went to Shkiera's house to get dressed. We arrived at the restaurant (The Park), had dinner and then went to Glass Lounge. I got to see Stac, Danie, Kea, Faith, Tyrell, Miggs, Nyse, Tara, Terrell, Kelton, Jason, Farouk, Mike, Kevon, Cassie, and I think that's it lol. It was fun.
The Birthday Girl!
Me & Kelz -- Me & Miggs -- Lizzy & her cake
August 1st: We went to the mall again, and then to the beach with the girls. Then I started my journey back to Yonkers.
August 2nd: I was supposed to go to Queens, but that didn't work out for me. So instead, I went out with my cousins to the mall LOL, no I wasn't balling, I just went. We went to the Palisades Mall and then my cousin and I went out to eat at Applebees. We were going to go bowling with Kelton but he deaded us and said it was guys only lol. He meant no harm though.
August 3rd: I got up and went to Target with Sha to help her shop for college. After that we went back to her house to get dressed and then her and her sis came with me to get my second tattoo. "Love Live (butterfly) Insprire". eyeLove it!
Next, we went to Jerome Ave to go to McDonalds and get a free Mocha Latte lol and then to Harlem to meet with Keemie, Quani, Stevie, Danie (and Alexis) to go to iHop! That was fun/sad.
Me, Naecasso lol, and Sha
August 4th: My last day in NY I stayed in the House Nae and my uncle came to pick me up MAD early to go to the airport.
Overall my trip was fun and very eventful! I didn't want to leave, but I'll be back! I love you NY, don't miss me too much!
♥ t i f f a n y ♥
MISS elleelleeye
Yes! Im so glad you came back I missed you! dont ever leave again!