Here's what this effFLY Guy wants the world to know about him:
You can see Craig tomorrow (August 8th) in a Back to School Fashion Show in Charlotte, NC at Concrod Mills at 3PM. He will be modeling fashions from the Gap, Banana Republic, etc.I love commercials that don't suck, like the snickers one with Patrick "Chewing" Ewing. When I was a child I wore a sweatshirt to school everyday that said "Rabbits R Rad" and it had a skateboarding rabbit on it so I guess you can say from a very young age I have been the bees knees. I dress my dog up like various Robert Denero characters and make her reenact classic scenes from such films as "Cape Fear", "Taxi Driver" and "The Fan". I have a Technicolor dream coat that hangs in my closet next to my misplaced halo and clipped angel wings. My uncle is a ventriloquist and my auntplays the flute in a gypsy band thats been gone' down river for at least three months now. Last night a girl at the bar spoke to me and her breath smelled like cheese so I excused my self from the conversation, went home and made a quesadilla. Thanks for sharing in my dream, one day I will realize that this world really does exist, good night and god bless.
P.S - I model...
Be sure to support Craig in his modeling competition for the Nicolita Male Casting. You can vote for Craig here. Also, check him out on MODEL MAYHEM and follow him on TWITTER. For bookings for fashion shows or photoshoots you can contact his manager Frankie P. by email at frankiep@istandardproducers.com.
MISS elleelleeye
He is sexy!