Now for me being critical, I would say that his voice has a bit of something "cliche" going on about it. I don't know if it's because sometimes it sounds like he's using Autotune (which he's not), or maybe it's just that sounds a bit like The Dream and T-pain at times (or at least I think so). His voice is so angelic, like the type of voice that just makes your heart want to melt. Anyways, it's a very good debut album, especially for how the music industry is nowadays. He did a good job of mixing the uptempo and ballads; which I think is a very good move on his part because we all know that Birthday Sex isn't uptempo, but when it comes on in the club, you already know what happens.
Overall, the album is cool [even though there are a couple of tracks that I could do without like My Ride and the uptempo Birthday Sex...I take that back, it's kinda cool lol], but my favorite tracks would have to be Make Up to Break Up, Starting All Over [my favorite], My Sunshine [because its so simple and I could see a female doing a cover to this], Imma Star (Everywhere We Are) [if I'm on my way to club riding with the girls in a shiny new whip lol], and of course the played out Birthday Sex. Good job Jeremih, I give it a 2.8 of Feyeve [5] stars.
l o v e . l i v e . i n s p i r e . = e l l e . e l l e . e y e .
Girl you know EYE EYE EYE!