raNdOm =p
Hey world,
So, today has been crazy [well technically yesterday] with the passing of Michael Jackson and everything else going on in the world. Therefore, I thought that people might need a little bit of inspiration and uplifting in their lives; which you may or may not find here with me. So here is my one of a predicted many random blogs from the heart. I hope you all appreciate it and find yourself smiling at some point =)
*listening to the rain as a thunderstorm is going on
*when my nephew opens my eyeLids while I'm sleeping to see if I'm actually sleep
*when I'm with Chantel singing the lyrics to songs I don't know and she watches me the entire time to see when I mess up so she can laugh
*when I laugh so hard that I start to cry
*to be creative
*to put a smile on someone's face
*to come that much closer to reaching a new goal
*to tell at least one person that I love them everyday
*to become more and more comfortable with myself, no matter how imperfect I am
*someone to go above and beyond something the I've accomplished
*people to believe in themselves
*people to use the gifts that God has blessed them with
*people to love
*people to live
*people to be inspirational to others
There it is! My random blogging for the night. Hopefully it makes you laugh, or even cry...all emotions are accepted!
♥ t i f f a n y ♥
MISS elleelleeye
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