eyeAm Sorry =(

Hey world,
As you can see I haven't blogged all day for a very important reason. I won't say why, but if you know me, then you should know why. Otherwise...you shall remain in mystery. Hopefully in the next few days something will happen and change all of this! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only posted one [yes ONE] update on Twitter today and it was an RT. But on a personal note my eyebrows and hair got done [fresh perm ya'll]; which means I can't go swimming for a while. Other than that I've just been DEE-to-the-PRESSED. Man oh man...
Okay I'm done wallowing and eyePromise that I will be in a better mood tomorrow and make up for the blogs that I didn't post today! To my readers, old and new thanks for the views...we just passed the 600 mark WOOO-HOOO! eyeLove you all!
l o v e . l i v e . i n s p i r e . = e l l e . e l l e . e y e .
P.S. blogging made me a little happier [LOL =) smiley face]


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