Are you someone who is looking to make some extra cash, or just need a job in general? Trust me, I know the feeling, but there is something you can do about it. In today's world, if you're not in tune with the media world and social networking, you're ten steps behind in the game. So why not put your fingers to use and make some money instead of lallygagging online all day reading gossip sites? Time to start getting paid for it! Job-seekers are looking for some internet savvy people to bring to their business. Here are five part-time jobs that you can do from home:
1. Social Media Expert
From car dealers to local boutiques, nearly every business is looking for a social media expert to Facebook, Twitter and blog about their business. If you want to be proactive, brush up on your social media knowledge and confront local businesses about hiring you. With more and more businesses pulling away from traditional advertising and unsure how to use social media sites to their advantage, you can easily sell yourself as a new hire, as long as you stay on top of your game.
Who's Hiring: Social Media Experts
2. Editor
Many professionals or even job seekers are constantly looking for another set of eyes to edit their new business proposal, cover letter, or transcript. Editing jobs pop up all over job boards and can turn into a steady part-time job if you continue to network.
Who's Hiring: Editors
3. Bookkeeper
With easy-to-use bookkeeping software available, more and more businesses are able to hire part-time bookkeepers who work from home. If you're organized and comfortable with numbers, bookkeeping for a local business can turn into a great part-time job for someone on the prowl for a flexible work schedule.
Who's Hiring: Bookkeepers
4. Data Entry
Rough financial times means that administrative assistant positions are often cut, even though there is work that still needs to be done, such as data entry. Working part-time doing data entry for a company means you'll always have a steady stream of work coming your way, and it's a great foot in the door.
Who's Hiring: Data Entry Workers
5. Call Center Jobs
Companies hire part-time workers to run their call centers from home. Running a virtual call center from your home could mean anything from telemarketing to customer service hotlines. Although little experience is required, some companies do look for employees who are bilingual.
Who's Hiring: Call Center Workers
Spread Love. Live Life. Be Inspired.
♥ t i f f a n y
Proud supporter of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
1. Social Media Expert
From car dealers to local boutiques, nearly every business is looking for a social media expert to Facebook, Twitter and blog about their business. If you want to be proactive, brush up on your social media knowledge and confront local businesses about hiring you. With more and more businesses pulling away from traditional advertising and unsure how to use social media sites to their advantage, you can easily sell yourself as a new hire, as long as you stay on top of your game.
Who's Hiring: Social Media Experts
2. Editor
Many professionals or even job seekers are constantly looking for another set of eyes to edit their new business proposal, cover letter, or transcript. Editing jobs pop up all over job boards and can turn into a steady part-time job if you continue to network.
Who's Hiring: Editors
3. Bookkeeper
With easy-to-use bookkeeping software available, more and more businesses are able to hire part-time bookkeepers who work from home. If you're organized and comfortable with numbers, bookkeeping for a local business can turn into a great part-time job for someone on the prowl for a flexible work schedule.
Who's Hiring: Bookkeepers
4. Data Entry
Rough financial times means that administrative assistant positions are often cut, even though there is work that still needs to be done, such as data entry. Working part-time doing data entry for a company means you'll always have a steady stream of work coming your way, and it's a great foot in the door.
Who's Hiring: Data Entry Workers
5. Call Center Jobs
Companies hire part-time workers to run their call centers from home. Running a virtual call center from your home could mean anything from telemarketing to customer service hotlines. Although little experience is required, some companies do look for employees who are bilingual.
Who's Hiring: Call Center Workers
Spread Love. Live Life. Be Inspired.
♥ t i f f a n y
Proud supporter of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
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