Gifted Bloggers: #1 Willian Yan

Blogging is an amazing way to express ourselves.

Throughout the Internet there are plenty of different blogs that appeal to an array of interests. Like elleELLEeye, we present the audience with just about everything and try our best to keep up with what is going on.

While we may not be able to catch up and satisfy everyone, there are other bloggers out there that may use their blog to display their daily outings, interests and a few words. They inspire us everyday, the blog, and you as well.

William Yan's blog is one of my very favorite because it's random. From events, to him just cruising around NYC taking pictures of whatever interests him. Now I'm not going to say to much about him, check him out yourself.

William Yan's Blog

From the HOT,

"Spread the love and live your life; while seeking to inspire and be inspired."
Proud supporter of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society


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