How many of us can say that we've been hurt by someone before? How many people in this world have enemies? Some of these things go without saying, and as easy as it may be to hurt those who hurt us, or hate those who hate us, we are instructed to love them. If the world lived by the words "An eye for an eye", we'd all be blind. It's so much easier to live a loving life. When you love your enemies, you'll throw them off, and sooner or later, they'll have no reason to hate you. If you choose to love those who have crossed you, they'll soon be convicted by your love for them. Am I saying loving those who have went against us is the easiest thing to do, no! Love is not only a noun, but it's a verb and so much more.
If you find it hard to find love for others, think about the love God has for us. How many times have we gone against His Word and his Basic Instructions? How many times have we disappointed him, yet and still, he wakes us up in the morning out of pure love. He blesses us with so much, although we don't deserve it. Think back at what you may have done yesterday or even last week, did you really deserve God's love from cursing someone out, stealing, lying, or cheating? Of course not, but because God loves us so much, He will always provide for us and never stop loving us.
You can never be too kind or loving to someone. In fact, most of us don’t show enough love and kindness to people around us. Being kind helps us to cultivate other qualities such as compassion, patience, and love. Start exuding more kindness to the people around you, and see how they react. Not only that, notice how you feel as you behave kindly to others. Chances are, you will feel even better than yourself. Today, eyeInspire you to love your enemies, be kind, exude love.
Spread Love. Live life. Be Inspired.
boy is it hard! I try to love my enemies everyday even though I know it pisses them off haha