Success is in reach. Whoever said the words "light at the end of the tunnel", said it best. For quite some time it seemed as though every room I went into was dark, light only shining on others and leaving me in a dim existence. At times the only thing that kept me hopeful was the care and concern from people whom took the time to reassure me that everyone goes through phases.
Greatness is the result of struggle and perseverance. I feel alive again. I feel capable, willing, and able. I have come to realize that all three of those must line up in order for me to reach the places I would like to go, and be able to bring along the few who care to join. I am overwhelmed everyday by reverence.
I remember a time when that wasn't so - when I was so far gone that opposite wasn't attractive and right wasn't a consideration; not too many things were. Narrow-minded, ever thought of what that means? I could hit you with websters depiction, but I can simplify it by letting you know that I was the epitome of that.
No longer. A new day is upon us. Watch me progress.
Spread Love. Live life. Be Inspired.
No longer. A new day is upon us. Watch me progress.
Spread Love. Live life. Be Inspired.