The welcome: Welcome to elleelleeye.blogspot.com. If you haven't caught on by now, I'm t i f f a n y and will be the official blogger from now until forever! This isn't a blog site intended for people to gather any personal information about me, but rather a way for me to express my interests, state my opinion, share stories with the world, and much much more!
The name: Initially I named my site love.live.inspire. BUT I decided that those three words were too strong and direct to cover all that I intend to do here. Hence me using only the first letter from each of those words as an alternative to name the site...L, L, I (or elle elle eye).
The feelings: I'm so excited to have finally went through with this site and I have every intention on making it something for people like me to relate to. And how else would you know if you relate to me if you don't give it a try? Exactly you can't!
So prepare yourselves for a helluva blog! Filled with updates on just about everything...but most importantly, you'll be able to see the world from a girl who Loves to dream, Lives to create, and hopes to Inspire.
♥t i f f .l o v e . l i v e . i n s p i r e . = e l l e . e l l e . e y e .
i'm ready!!!