Team elleELLEeye has been increasing its philanthropic efforts! Our latest act has been taking part in the Breast Cancer Awareness Walk with the American Cancer Society. We created a team to walk for the great cause in Central Park in NYC (with DANiE as the team leader), and ♥ t i f f a n y took part of the walk in Atlanta, GA. Arissa & KareemaBee were in NYC as well, and Kareema put together a wonderful video that captured the love that was in the air as we all made strides against breast cancer! Although our team goal was to raise $500, we raised over $140 through our team page and also had team members donate on site.
Shatika Parker, founder of Bee Young, Bee FAB, Bee You joined team elleELLEeye and also raised ~$130 for her team. It's great to see people come together for a great cause and support the survivors, those living with the disease, and those who have moved on to a better place. We all walked with a purpose, as we showed that off with out exclusive buttons. Enjoy the slide show and photos below - we hope to have you join us in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer next year!
Thank you to everyone who walked with us and donated! Spread Love. Live life. Be Inspired.
That's great that you all did this. Very inspiring and encouraging. God bless