The Sweet Sound of Hip-Hop
The event acted as a benefit concert for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, at Santos Party House in NYC. The concert feature showcased five talented acts; Young Flame, Eric Sosa, M.A.E, Oxymorrons, and Ayindé. The show was opened up by artists from Epiff@ny Music, music was provided by DJ ENIGM@, and the show itself was hosted by our friend, Miguel Hernandez. There were drinks, Candy Land specials, candy, cupcakes, th whole 9, but most of all, a GREAT time.
All of the performer smashed their sets and we raised over $1000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, thanks to you all! Footage will be available soon, but for now you can enjoy some snapshot from those that attended. If you weren't there, you missed one hell of a show, but we missed you!

Click here to view the full photo album!
More events are in the works. Keep your eyes open!
♥ t i f f a n y
Spread Love. Live life. Be Inspired.
Proud supporter of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
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