It's fair to say that the wait is over because shortly after releasing her video to "Rude Boy" Rihanna's back to drop newest video "Rockstar 101". I must say this video is very reminiscent of "On to the Next One" by Jay-Z. Both videos were shot in black and white, and they also incorporated symbolism and an air of darkness. I can admit that Rihanna definitely turns into a rockstar in this video. At one point, RiRi even turns into a four horned crawling beast, I'm not going to lie, I was a little scared and confused. Lastly, I noticed that Rihanna has gotten quite comfortable with "flipping the bird" to those watching her on the screen. Maybe this is her reminding everyone out there that she doesn't care. Well the wait is over and I bring you "Rockstar 101." Happy watching.
Has Rihanna been going too far or do you love her shock value? Now that you've seen it, shout out what you think in a COMMENT!
Okay it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I've seen worse (Lady Gaga's Alejandro - which will NOT be on elleELLEeye!). Anywho I love that Travis Barker was in the video - hes so sexy lmao! And yea thats all ill comment on.
just when u think she is normal -_-